Monday, March 31, 2008

It's time to pray again

Our Father, who art in Lawrence,
Hallowed by thy game.

Thy bracket come,
Thy upset will be done, in San Antonio as it is in Allen Field House.

Give us this day our deserved game,
and forgive us our turnovers,
as we forgive Roy who double-crossed against us.

And lead us not into defeat,
but deliver us from Roy tears.

For Kansas is the basketball kingdom,
And the tradition,
And the glory,
For ever and ever.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Life Inc.: Suffering

On my way to work this morning, I had a strange but non-unique thought. Given the choice, would most people choose to live, i.e. be born and go through the whole life sha-bang? For most people, perhaps as many as 80% of people it seems, when looked at from a superficial standpoint, I think the answer is no. That's a rather depressing thought and statement - don't you think?

Most of the reasoning stems from the purpose behind our lives and the juxtaposition of suffering in the world that comes with it. When I think of the billlions of people who toil day and night (and in between) to simply make ends meet, the unquantifiable amount of poverty, disease, hunger, injustice... around the world, I start to wonder what really is the purpose of all this. And, then, on the opposite spectrum, we have private islands, pristine private beaches, personal attendants, private jets... you get the picture. It really sucks to suffer.

So, why bother with the whole life thing (if given a choice at the beginning)? What's the purpose of living anyway, and more importantly of suffering through all of it? It doesn't make the sufferer happy, it doesn't make those watching the suffering happy, it doesn't create any value - or does it? Are you actually doing a disservice by having kids? After all, they are prone to the same suffering existent today, aren't they?

It is impossible to answer why suffering exists to fully please every person with the question. Your guesses are as good as mine. Why did God create suffering? It's an extremely hard question, if not an impossible one, to answer. However, I think we can look at the meaning of love in order to find some solace and the beginnings of an answer.

When our hearts ache and our minds are numbed by all the suffering around us, we are melted and brought to our knees in an effort to love the victim of this suffering. For instance, when we see a family go through unimaginable trials e.g. a gruesome death of a loved child, we - almost instinctively - react with compassion. Whether we act on that instinct and do something about it is a different story altogether. But, for a split second, I think it is fair to say that there is an outpouring of love to those in need of it - at the very least in spirit. This love that emanates from us is a natural instinct that fills a void and a vacuum that lacks it or has just lost it. In this example, the family has lost a source (and receiver) of love.

It is probably fair to say that seeing others suffer brings out the sympathy, kindness, compassion, charity, and unselfishness that lies in the deep abyss of each one of us. In essence, all these 'feelings' are a derivative of love. Every one of us, regardless of talent, intelligence, race, religion, gender, family background, hair color, political leaning, wealth, title or health, has the ability and inclination to react to suffering in the ways described above, in some form or another. Furthermore, this 'love' is one for which we constantly thirst to give and to receive. To give a few examples: we want to have "meaningful careers", "create change in the world", "help others", "have a happy family", etc. In the case of watching suffering, we want to give love to others; when we suffer, we seek love from others.

Love, then, is a primary element that makes us human, as opposed to simply an object of existence or a "living thing." Suffering is the lack of love, internal or external. It exists to bring about the love that is intrinsic in each one of us and exists within us. Whether we exercise it or not is a matter of choice. It unifies people beyond any boundary imaginable - racial, religious, cultural, political, hobby-based, any one. Everyone of us no matter who we are or how cruel we are - today, in the past, or in the future - has the capacity to love and to receive love.

God is love. His first two commandments are: love Him, and love others. In order to appreciate Him and His love for us, suffering must exist. Without it, we are unable to love, or to receive love. And, as a result, we are unable to know God.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

F'd on Facebook

Do you post your life on Facebook? You may want to think again. Recently, a computer techie was able crack into pictures posted on the site, but to which he had no legal access. The bug has since been fixed. However, there are generally more cockroaches in such cases and there's no reason to believe a second and much larger hack attempt won't be successfully disasterous to its victims.

For the entire article, click here.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bernanke's Rhapsody?


Is this the real price?
Is this just fantasy?
Financial landslide
No escape from reality

Open your eyes
And look at your buys and see.
I'm now a poor boy (poor boy)
High-yielding casualty
Because I bought it high, watched it blow
Rating high, value low
Any way the Fed goes
Doesn't really matter to me, to me

Mama - just killed my fund
Quoted CDO's instead
Pulled the trigger, now it's dead
Mama - I had just begun
These CDO's have blown it all away
Mama - oooh-hoo-ooo
I still wanna buy
I sometimes wish I'd never left Goldman at all.

(guitar solo)


I see a little silhouette of a Fed
Bernanke! Bernanke! Can you save the whole market?
Monolines and munis - very very frightening me!
Super senior, super senior
Super senior CDO - magnifico

I'm long of subprime, nobody loves me
He's long of subprime CDO fantasy
Spare the margin call you monstrous PB!
Easy come easy go, will you let me go?
Peloton! No - we will not let you go - let him go
Peloton! We will not let you go
(let him go !)
Peloton! We will not let you go - let me go
Will not let you go
let me go (never) Never let you go - let me go Never let me go – ooo
No, no, no, no, No, NO, NO ! -
Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go
S&P had the devil put aside
for me
For me, for me, for me


So you think you can fund me and spit in my eye?
And then margin call me and leave me to die Oh PB - can't do this to me
Just gotta get out - just gotta get right outta here

Ooh yeah, ooh yeah
No price really matters
No liquidity
Nothing really matters - no price really matters to me
Any way the Fed goes.....

Penned by a Bear Stearns (BSC) guy.

It's Game Time

Are you ready for the show down?!

Monday, March 17, 2008

This says it all

"In an apparent foray into gallows humor, a $2 bill is pasted to the main entry of Bear Stearns' headquarters." - Marketwatch

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Mystery Man

Thanks for chiming in - a shout-out to Mel, Mo and Pat. Reno Ranger - please notice that you don't get a shout out because you didn't opine. You should next time.

So, who is this mystery man? Here are the possibilities:

1. A Bear Stearns shareholder watching his wealth plummet by the second, wait, there's no more to watch;

2. A Ralph Lauren model;

3. My alter ego;

4. A Barack Obama supporter listening intently to Jeremiah Wright's drivel - although he doesn't seem that aghast;

5. Ralph Nader's campaign adviser;

The truth: This picture was sent to me via email in a Ralph Lauren ad of some sort. I was so disturbed by the look on the dude's face, the seemingly complete lack of character, and the drab and boring background that I had to post it. Why on earth would I want to buy a Ralph Lauren suit if I'd look like him!? But then again, I didn't go to fashion school, don't live in NYC, and only hope to visit Milan some day... how would I know!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What does this make you think of?

What does this dude make you think of? Do you know the source of this picture? Do you know the dude?!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Looks cute, doesn't he?

Until he comes at you like this...

Still confused? May be this will help...